Oral Health & Dental Product

Learn about the 5 most important health of teeth other than their traditional benefits

Teeth have other benefits other than breaking down food before swallowing, other than their importance in the process of speech and pronunciation, and other than their function as support for the muscles of the lips and cheeks so that they maintain their natural position.

Here some may ask the question: What are these other benefits? What is its importance? This is what the following lines will answer….

Use teeth as a personal card

This is done through a small disc that is permanently affixed to the first upper molar on the right side.

It has a number on it that symbolizes its owner, and another number is the phone number of the central computer station in which the necessary information about the person is stored.

The importance of this use is that it facilitates the identification of children who have lost their way,

those who are mentally ill, or the owners of mutilated bodies resulting from wars or plane accidents, and so on.

Use teeth in forensic medicine

Doctor Paul Revere was the first to use teeth in forensic medicine.

Through teeth, several things can be detected, including, for example:

estimating age, distinguishing between the sexes, and estimating genetic manifestations in cases of proving paternity.

Disease detection

Studies have shown that teeth may be useful in determining the possibility of heart attacks.

By using parametric x-rays to study the percentage of calcium present in the teeth and jaw bones, it is possible to identify the calcium reserve in the arteries of the heart and the possibility of blockages occurring in them.

Use it as a hearing aid

This is done through a small device that can be hidden inside an artificial tooth, in order to help patients who cannot use other regular hearing aids, as they are mounted on the ear and based on small ossicles and connections in the ear that become weak and weak due to illness or aging.

By placing a loudspeaker in a shirt pocket or tie pin, the sounds are captured and returned to a device installed in the tooth that contains an air coil and a sound pump, where the sounds are transformed into vibrations that are transmitted through the skull to the inner ear, and hearing occurs.

Identify some personal characteristics

In light of an extensive study conducted on thousands of soldiers, it was found that the shape and strength of teeth may indicate the extent to which a soldier is fit to be a leader.

The study showed that those with strong teeth highlight the qualities of a leader and that they are more responsible and more keen to appear good before the authorities.

People with weak teeth have these qualities and are only fit to be ordinary soldiers.

Teeth drawing

Some of those who have no arms love to draw using their teeth. Among them, for example, is an American girl named “Wendy Eddker,” who was born without arms. She loves to draw by holding the brush with her teeth.

These are the other known benefits of teeth up to the present time… Will they have more benefits in the future?

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