6 types of food to beware of during the first three months of pregnancy

Pregnancy, dear readers, just like any physiological condition that a woman goes through, it has its characteristics, characteristics,
and foods that it is necessary for the woman to adhere to in order for the pregnancy period to pass safely.
There are also other foods that a pregnant woman should not eat during her pregnancy because they negatively affect her or the fetus, especially in the first months of pregnancy.
Usually, the matter may involve several risks, either within the components of the food itself,
such that any of its substances may affect the pregnancy or the fetus, or it may contain harmful organisms such as bacteria or the like.
In both cases, dear reader, you must take good precautions so that your pregnancy period passes safely in all circumstances.
Accordingly, we have chosen for you in this article a list of about 6 types of food that a pregnant woman should not eat during the first months of her pregnancy,
along with the reasons for that so that you can benefit from them during pregnancy or benefit others who are at that stage.
These foods are as follows:
Canned fruit juice is forbidden in pregnancy
This juice contains extremely harmful bacteria known as Escherichia coli bacteria,
which greatly harm the health of the pregnant woman and the health of the fetus.
Therefore, if you want to drink juices, it is better either to drink them fresh or to have the canned juices pasteurized or sterilized to avoid the presence of these bacteria in them.
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Soft cheese
Pregnant women should be careful not to eat soft cheese such as feta, ricotta, or cheddar cheese.
The reason for all of this is that this cheese is made from unpasteurized milk,
and therefore contains bacteria that are harmful to the fetus,
and these bacteria even lead to miscarriage, but Instead, they should eat cheese made from pasteurized or fresh milk.

Lychee fruit is forbidden in pregnancy
This tropical fruit has a beautiful and wonderful taste.
Despite this, it is considered one of the undesirable fruits in any diet for pregnant women,
as it works to heat the body, which may result in abdominal cramps,
bleeding and disturbance of the fetus, which may lead to The worst case is miscarriage.
Canned fish
It is not only canned fish that should be eaten, but also smoked fish, as it contains large amounts of bacteria,
some of which may cause miscarriage when infected, such as Listeria.
Luncheon and cold meats
All of these foods have the same problem as canned fish,
meaning that they may contain harmful Listeria bacteria that cause miscarriage of the fetus by passing from the placenta to it.
Therefore, we advise that if you want to eat any meat, you should cook it well and eat it while it is hot.
Green tea
Although green tea has excellent health benefits, it is not recommended for pregnant women
because, just like coffee, it contains the same amount of caffeine,
and caffeine, of course, has severe harm to the health of the pregnant woman and her fetus,
so a pregnant woman should not drink green tea.
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