Five golden tips that make taking care of your feet as easy as possible

Feet are given the same attention by people as they are to the face.
If they see her with unclean or dark skin and not a bright appearance, they will have a bad idea about you and your level of cleanliness.
No matter how much you care about your face, hair, or the rest of your body. Feet also play an important role in women caressing their husbands.
The more soft and gentle it is, the more the husband will enjoy your playfulness with him, and vice versa.
Many husbands are even alienated from their wives who have feet with rough skin, cracks, or poor hygiene.
Therefore, based on all of the above, we have decided to write in this article five important tips that we see as golden in caring for modern women’s feet, so that they are truly ideal.
It is necessary to cut toenails
In addition to the importance of this procedure in obtaining beautiful feet.
It is also very beneficial for your health to prevent the accumulation of dirt which leads to the accumulation of microbes and bacteria.
Also, so that the long nails on your feet do not cause any injuries.
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Of course, it is preferable that the tools you use to cut your toenails be clean and sterilized so as not to transmit any diseases to you.
Pedicure and manicure tools for feet should also be used for the same reasons as illness and infection.
Continue applying shoe powder
Keeping your feet inside two pairs of shoes for a long time, especially while wearing socks,
leads to foot sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in them and in the pairs of shoes.
This odor does not go away easily and causes great embarrassment to those who suffer from it.
In addition to his personal aversion to the matter, and his feeling that it is unclean.
Hence, it was necessary to prevent this matter by applying foot powder that absorbs the smell of sweat,
while giving a good smell to the shoes that are being worn.
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Be careful not to wear closed shoes for a long period of time on your feet
Although shoe powder has an effective role, as we mentioned at the top of the article,
in eliminating unpleasant foot odors.
However, in order for foot care recommendations to be fully complete,
we do not recommend wearing shoes, especially closed shoes, for a long period of time.
This would prevent the foot from having enough time to get good ventilation that protects it from microbes and fungi that prefer closed environments to grow.
This, of course, negatively affects foot health.
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Pay attention to moisturizing your feet at night
This helps get rid of the roughness and cracks in the skin,
especially in the area of the sole of the foot,
which is exposed to these cracks due to hard work that leads to the sole of the foot being in contact with the ground for a long time.
After you clean and dry your in preparation for sleep, you must then apply moisturizing foot cream and then wear nylon bags with socks over them.
Then you have to sleep in this position all night.
After that you wash your feet from the cream residue in the morning and repeat the process until you get the soft you want.
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Feet must be cleaned and dried well
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Many girls and women who have a special interest in cleaning their feet make a grave mistake when they do not dry their feet after washing them.
And the biggest disaster is when they wash them with water and then put them directly, without drying, in closed household shoes.
They think that this will keep them more clean.
But in reality, with these unhealthy behaviors, they further help in the growth of fungi and microbes in their feet.
Which causes inflammation, which makes it look bad.
This also leads to the appearance of a very unpleasant odor due to the growth of these fungi and bacteria.
Therefore, after cleaning the foot, which must not be done with alkaline soap, it must be dried completely.
This is before wearing any shoes after cleaning.
Even the shoes must be completely dry.
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